Author Linda Henry & Illustrator Dawn Rossbach


More than a children's book, The Cookie Garden includes do-it-yourself instructions and a seed packet to help you grow your own cookie garden! Fill the seed packet with your favorite type of cookie seeds: chocolate chips, butterscotch chips, or coated-chocolate candies.

The Cookie Garden is about cultivating imagination. Sam isn't all that impressed with his mama and papa's vegetable harvest. So he decides to grow a garden that's really sweet: a cookie garden. What kind of seeds will he plant? Can his family convince him that delicious and nutritious vegetables are enough to satisfy? Will his cookie garden ever bloom?

The Cookie Garden encourages grownups, especially parents, to listen for the funny, amazing, and sometimes just plain silly ideas that come out of kids' mouths. It reminds adults to follow a kid's imagination down paths we might not otherwise explore.

Writer Linda Henry lives near Saint Paul with her husband and their three-legged turtle. When her kids were little, she was a freelance writer and wrote dozens of articles for Parenting magazine. All those interviews with self-described child-development experts took their toll, however, and turned Linda into something of a parenting-advice rebel. So when five-year-old Sam suggested growing a cookie garden, she was all for it.

Illustrator Dawn Rossbach lives and works in a small town in north-central Minnesota. In addition to being an art educator, she's active in various arts organizations and does design work for local businesses. Many of her works are included in private and university collections that have been shown in galleries locally, nationally, and internationally, including New Mexico, Texas, France, Denmark, and China. She likes chocolate.



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